The Summit’s Offspring

The term “summit’s offspring” is the result of a reiterated practice for the designation of all the stable structures and networks created by the Ibero-American Judicial Summit.

Throughout its history, the judicial summit has created or contributed to the creation of various networks or structures that are constituted as truly independent bodies with their own identity and objectives.

Examples include the RIAEJ (Ibero-American Judicial Schools Network), IBERIUS (Ibero-American Judicial Documentation Network), CIACJV (Ibero-American Virtual Judicial Training Centre), IBERO-AMERICAN CLASSROOM, E-JUSTICE (Justice in the Knowledge Society), IBERRED (Ibero-American International Legal Cooperation Network), IBERO-AMERICAN JUDICIAL ETHICS COMMISSION, COMMISSION FOR MONITORING THE RULES OF BRASILIA ON ACCESS TO JUSTICE BY VULNERABLE INDIVIDUALS, JOINT WORKING COMMISSION OF EUROPEAN AND LATIN AMERICAN JUDICIAL POWERS.

In reference to the role played by the summits in the creation of the structures and in order to emphasise the permanent commitment to them, the summit has coined the term summit’s offspring.

The following section contains the so-called summit’s offspring and links to the corresponding websites.