
The Ibero-American Classroom Project is part of the framework of the III Ibero-American Summit of Presiding Judges of the Supreme Court and Supreme Tribunals of Justice, which was held in Madrid in 1998. At the event, which was presided by the King and Queen of Spain, the highest dignitaries of the judiciaries of all Ibero-America came up with this initiative as a forum for specialised judicial exchanges and training, aimed exclusively at judges and senior judges of Ibero-America.

The General Council of the Judiciary of Spain assumed the challenge of putting the project into practice and submitted it for the approval of its plenary session in compliance with the commitment that resulted from the aforementioned forum. The Judicial School of Barcelona was chosen as the initial centre for activities.

The objectives of the Ibero-American classroom projects can be summarised as follows:

  • The supply of experience in judicial training to the Ibero-American legal community.
  • Unification of the bonds between the supreme courts and tribunals and councils of the judiciary of Ibero-American countries.
  • Consolidation of a framework for encounters between judges and senior judges of Spain and Ibero-America at a high academic level as a reference for the various areas related to the exercise of the jurisdictional function.
  • Implementation of an Ibero-American judicial community to enable the exchange of experiences, information and research projects.
  • Creation of an academic community of alumni. Overall and since its creation, more than 1500 students from every nation in the region have taken part in the Ibero-American Classroom Project on a total of 50 courses.
